• Mortgages can be defined as an interest in realty pledged as security or collateral for a loan. As with other types of loans, mortgages have an interest rate and are scheduled to amortize over a set period of time, typically 15 to 30 years. All types of real property can be, and usually are, secured with a mortgage and bear an interest rate that is supposed to reflect the lender's risk. Mortgage lending is the primary mechanism used to finance private ownership of residential and commercial property. Although the terminology and precise forms will differ, the basic components tend to be similar. Lenders may also be investors who own an interest in the mortgage through a mortgage backed security. In such a situation, the initial lender is known as the mortgage originator, which then packages and sells the loan to investors. The payments from the borrower are thereafter collected by a loan servicer. McBrils, partners will be mortgage originators; however, the product line could be expanded into loan servicing. Loan servicing takes on a whole new line of work which usually range from keeping a payment history to foreclosure. 
  • Construction: Construction projects are often done using a mortgage loan, but a construction project can be done without a loan or mortgage. McBrils construction partners will preform the construction of buildings on residential and commercial property. Construction practices, technologies, and resources must conform to local building authority regulations and codes of practice. The availability of materials normally dictate the construction material used, such as, the kind of brick or timber. The cost of construction can be done by specification or per square foot basis. All construction can vary dramatically based on site conditions, local regulations, economies of scale and custom designs and the availability of skilled trades people. All construction can generate a lot of waste, so careful planning is needed, therefore the product line for construction can include engineers, architect, and construction supply. 
  • Business Consultant: Most business can use some sort of consultant, with the change of technologies being so rapid it's very hard to keep up. The business consultant partners of McBrils, will work in many areas of business. Some of the key components will be marketing, financing, IT, business planning, communication channels, logistics, and so on. Business consultant is a never ending area and it can take a company into many product lines. Consultants can function as bridges for information and knowledge, and can provide these bridging services more economically than the client themselves. Consultants have specialized in tasks that would involve high internal coordination costs for clients, such as company wide changes or the implementation of information technology. Their focus and experience in gathering information worldwide and across industries renders their information search less costly than for clients.
  • Real Estate: The real estate market is an area that has many dynamics and it reaches every aspect of our lives. When we wake up in the morning chances are we're on some real estate. Our jobs are located on some real estate, our cars are driven on real estate and our food is grown on real estate. McBrils, marketing of real estate will be support by real estate brokers. Real estate brokers are experienced in handling very complex real estate ventures. McBrils, will market to consumer who are looking for residential property and business who are looking for commercial property. The unique thing about real estate is that it bring together all of McBrils, functions, the mortgage, construction, business consultant, investments, law, and studio. Most of the time when a business sale is being brokered it includes some type of real estate, being that your largest companies invest in real estate as a part of building their portfolios.
  • Investment: . McBrils will market to consumers and business looking for investors who are willing to take a chance on them. The consumer part of the investment will be mostly for real estate, but it will not be limited to just real estate, because there will partners such as banks who will invest in cars, boats, and other items. The business part will be fore companies needing capital to run and operate already existing companies. Our partners will be venture capitalist, banks, and individual with money who are looking to invest.
  • Law: McBrils, will work with many different law providers in what we consider a two fold situation. McBrils, will market to consumers for the law firms and also prepare the legal documents for some firms. There are many law firms that do not have the resource to market and prepare all the documents need for litigation. McBrils, will provide a professional staff of paralegals and marketers for the law firms to help increase their business and for it to run more efficiently.   
  • Studio: Photos
At McBrils, we take care to provide our customers high quality services personalized for their unique needs. We are available to take your order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

We have a variety of services that we refer and offer including: